Moon Pilot (1962)

One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind! Well, maybe not that big. After all, we’ve been doing these cheap, silly comedies for a while now. They’ve mostly been pretty forgettable, but maybe this one will be different? I’m just hoping the chimp doesn’t pick up a gun again. Disclaimer: This blogContinueContinue reading “Moon Pilot (1962)”

Babes in Toyland (1961)

Sooo I totally meant to get Babes in Toyland up by Christmas. That… didn’t happen. Oops. Merry Christmas in March, I guess? That’s a thing now. Totally. Disclaimer: This blog is purely recreational and not for profit. Any material, including images and/or video footage, are property of their respective companies, unless stated otherwise. TheContinueContinue reading “Babes in Toyland (1961)”

Greyfriars Bobby (1961)

Welcome back to bonny Scotland! I don’t know what Walt’s fascination with the country is, but it’s lovely so I don’t mind spending a little more time here. Well, as long as the story’s interesting, that is. The last two, frankly, weren’t. But this movie has one thing Rob Roy and Kidnapped didn’t: an absolutelyContinueContinue reading “Greyfriars Bobby (1961)”

The Parent Trap (1961)

Am I seeing double, or is it the cabin fever? No, wait– yeah, I’m definitely seeing double. There’s two Hayley Mills! Well, she did such a good job last time we saw her that this can only be twice as nice! Disclaimer: This blog is purely recreational and not for profit. Any material, includingContinueContinue reading “The Parent Trap (1961)”

The Absent-Minded Professor (1961)

Disney’s 1960’s output is known for its solid live-action comedies, but we’ve had very few of them so far. Well, strap in, kids, because we’re about to kick that era of Disney history into high gear. The Shaggy Dog was technically the beginning of this, but now we’re really in the thick of The RiseContinueContinue reading “The Absent-Minded Professor (1961)”

Swiss Family Robinson (1960)

I know my loyal followers have been waiting for my take on this one with bated breath for a very long time so without further ado, here it is! Let’s live out our childhood dreams of riding to our awesome treehouse on the backs of some seriously misplaced wildlife! Disclaimer: This blog is purelyContinueContinue reading “Swiss Family Robinson (1960)”

Ten Who Dared (1960)

It’s been almost two months since I’ve updated.  I’m so sorry, guys.  This second semester of grad school is out for my blood.  But we managed a little movie watching time, so let’s get to it!  … what do you mean it’s another Western?  I don’t wanna watch another Western! You can’t make me! IContinueContinue reading “Ten Who Dared (1960)”

The Sign of Zorro (1960)

Davy Crockett did well when they chopped up the episodes and stuck them in movie theatres.  Let’s see what happens when we do it again with their second most popular TV series to date!  Can lightning strike twice? And just how is anyone fooled by that mask, anyway? Disclaimer: This blog is purely recreational andContinueContinue reading “The Sign of Zorro (1960)”

Pollyanna (1960)

Aren’t you glad we made it this far?  Isn’t it perfectly wonderful that we’ve reached a new rising star?  Isn’t this relentless positivity marvelous?  It’s just like when people mock Disney for being saccharine, isn’t it?  Now, let’s hurry on and find some new things to be glad for! Disclaimer: This blog is purely recreationalContinueContinue reading “Pollyanna (1960)”

Kidnapped (1960)

One of Walt’s weirder obsessions was the Jacobite rebellion of 1745, which totally doesn’t gel with his All-American reputation but whatever.  We’re diving back into British history for the first time since Rob Roy.  Is this a place I really want to go?  I’m not sure, but I do love me some Robert Louis Stevenson!ContinueContinue reading “Kidnapped (1960)”

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