Return to Neverland (2002)

I’m not a fan of Peter Pan.  Perhaps you’ve noticed.  But it’s popular, and popularity means money, and that means Disneytoon just had to milk the cash cow.  So Return to Neverland exists.  If you thought the Cinderella sequel reviews were salty, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Disclaimer: This blog is purely recreational and notContinueContinue reading “Return to Neverland (2002)”

Peter Pan (1953)

Come on, everybody!  Here we gooooooo!  Off to Neverland!  Home of homicidal pixies, ineffectual pirates, and cocky little brats we’re not supposed to want smeared across a cannonball.  What a fun romp through all of your fantasies! This is Peter Pan.  And I am questioning all of my life choices.  Pan fans beware, this isContinueContinue reading “Peter Pan (1953)”

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