Return From Witch Mountain (1978)

Christopher Lee is one of those actors who’s so awesome that his mere presence can elevate whatever project he’s in. And I did like most of Escape to Witch Mountain. So this seems promising! Probably! Disclaimer: This blog is purely recreational and not for profit. Any material, including images and/or video footage, are property ofContinueContinue reading “Return From Witch Mountain (1978)”

Escape To Witch Mountain (1975)

Now this is more like it! Thrills! Chills! Magic! Darkness! High stakes! Everything about this movie is screaming my name and it is a beautiful sound! I’ve got high expectations for this one- I only hope it lives up to them! Disclaimer: This blog is purely recreational and not for profit. Any material, including imagesContinueContinue reading “Escape To Witch Mountain (1975)”

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