Nikki, Wild Dog of the North (1961)

I thought Perri was the only True-Life Fantasy? Well, apparently not. Sort of. Well, there’s a big fluffy dog in it, so how can it be? Unless, of course, dog fighting is a plot point. Oh, geez. Disclaimer: This blog is purely recreational and not for profit. Any material, including images and/or video footage,ContinueContinue reading “Nikki, Wild Dog of the North (1961)”

Jungle Cat (1960)

We’ve reached the end of another era!  I’ve been enjoying the True Life Adventures series so much, I’m kind of sad to see it come to an end.  We’re ending off with another habitat that’s very near and dear to my heart, so let’s see if we go out on a high note! Disclaimer: ThisContinueContinue reading “Jungle Cat (1960)”

White Wilderness (1958)

It’s been a while since we’ve had a good old-fashioned Disney controversy.  Sure, we’ve had films that aren’t exactly sensitive, but for the most part, they’ve gone under the radar.  This one?  Not so much.  Grab your parka and let’s find out just how some filmmakers will go to win an Oscar! Disclaimer: This blogContinueContinue reading “White Wilderness (1958)”

Secrets of Life (1956)

True Life Adventures are all about taking a closer look at the world around us. This time, though, we’re going to take a really close look at the world around us.  Really, really close.  Let’s hope it doesn’t bug us too much! Disclaimer: This blog is purely recreational and not for profit. Any material, includingContinueContinue reading “Secrets of Life (1956)”

The African Lion (1955)

NAAAAAAAATSIGNOMYAAAAAA MABITHITIBABAAAAA.  Today we’re heading to the wilds of the savanna to check in with Simba’s grandpa,  That’s right, it’s time for another True Life Adventure!  More cute animals, yay! Disclaimer: This blog is purely recreational and not for profit. Any material, including images and/or video footage, are property of their respective companies, unless statedContinueContinue reading “The African Lion (1955)”

The Vanishing Prairie (1954)

Oh give me a home where the buffalo roam and the deeeeeeeer and the antelope plaaaaay…  But we can’t watch the buffalo roam too long.  We might see sights not fit for human eyes.  And that would just be terrible. Disclaimer: This blog is purely recreational and not for profit. Any material, including images and/orContinueContinue reading “The Vanishing Prairie (1954)”

The Living Desert (1953)

Is it hot in here, or is it just me?  Wait, what am I saying?  Of course it’s hot in here.  We’re in the desert.  It’s always hot in here.  Today we leave behind the world of plot and character and pay a visit to the natural world.  Let’s go on an adventure- a TrueContinueContinue reading “The Living Desert (1953)”

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