The Incredible Journey (1963)

Well, I feel like an idiot. A while back I got a comment promising a really good dog movie coming up in the near future. I had no idea what they were talking about and assumed it was Savage Sam because it was the only movie on the list I knew was about dogs. IContinueContinue reading “The Incredible Journey (1963)”

Summer Magic (1963)

For the first time in a while, we’re back to Marcelline, Missouri! Well, kind of. It’s actually Beulah, Maine, but the feeling is the same. Will this return to a bygone era be more pleasant than the last one? Well, it can’t possibly be any worse. Disclaimer: This blog is purely recreational and not forContinueContinue reading “Summer Magic (1963)”

Savage Sam (1963)

You can’t top pigs with pigs, but apparently you can top dogs with dogs. At least, you can if the author of the book says it’s okay. Why he decided to write sequel to Old Yeller when the main character and the heart of the story dies in the end is beyond me, but hereContinueContinue reading “Savage Sam (1963)”

Miracle of the White Stallions (1963)

It’s crazy to think that an event that caused so much strife at the studio is far enough behind us to serve as a setting. Walt lost nearly all his animators and a huge chunk of money to World War II. Now it’s historical fiction. A lot changed in those twenty years, but it’s stillContinueContinue reading “Miracle of the White Stallions (1963)”

Son of Flubber (1963)

Of all the characters on this blog that I would want to spend more time with, Ned Brainard is not high on the list. In fact, he might be at the bottom. But it’s not my choice, so let’s bounce on back in to Medfield College. Ugh. Disclaimer: This blog is purely recreational andContinueContinue reading “Son of Flubber (1963)”

In Search of the Castaways (1962)

More Verne? More Verne??? More Verne????? More Verne! More Verne! MORE. VERNE!!!!! … I’m really excited about this, can you tell? The last movie we watched based on a Jules Verne novel remains my favorite new-to-me film so far. Let’s see if this one holds up to its predecessor! Disclaimer: This blog is purelyContinueContinue reading “In Search of the Castaways (1962)”

The Legend of Lobo (1962)

Walt. My man. Stop trying to make True Life Fantasies happen. They’re not going to happen. This movie seems to be compared to Nikki a lot more than I’m comfortable with, so I’m not going to lie, I’m terrified. My blood’s up already. Hopefully it’s just that the dog and the wolf kinda look similar.ContinueContinue reading “The Legend of Lobo (1962)”

Almost Angels (1962)

I feel like I’m lost. This is a movie with no dog. No Tommy Kirk. No Fred Macmurray. Am I in the right spot in the timeline? If only an angel could come and guide me back! Am I just making bad jokes because I don’t know what to say about choir boys? You betcha.ContinueContinue reading “Almost Angels (1962)”

Big Red (1962)

Dog movies on this blog have a history. Either they’re really good and rip out my heart or really bad and make me want to rip out the filmmaker’s hearts. Let’s see which camp this one falls into! One of the actors doesn’t exactly fill me with confidence. Disclaimer: This blog is purely recreationalContinueContinue reading “Big Red (1962)”

Bon Voyage! (1962)

The Bon Voyage Breakfast at Trattoria al Forno in Walt Disney World’s Boardwalk is a wonderful experience, and one of the only breakfasts in Disney I will wake up early for. However, I’m rather tired of finding articles about it. That is not what this review is about and that is not what I’m tryingContinueContinue reading “Bon Voyage! (1962)”

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