Tonka (1958)

We’ve done it!  We’ve reached the end of the Westerns!  Of course, there are a few more after this but they’re actually spaced out instead of making me watch the same movie like fifteen times.  But will this particularly weird period of Disney history go out with a bang or a fizzle?  And will IContinueContinue reading “Tonka (1958)”

The Light in the Forest (1958)

Another day, another Western, but this one marks the end of an era.  And let me tell you, I do not have high hopes for this one.  Still, maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised.  Here’s hoping! Disclaimer: This blog is purely recreational and not for profit. Any material, including images and/or video footage, are property ofContinueContinue reading “The Light in the Forest (1958)”

Johnny Tremain (1957)

Ah, this feels good.  We’re taking a little break from the Wild West and Old Squinty.  We’re getting a little action, a little adventure, and a little history while we’re at it.   So if  ye be Sons of Liberty, raise the flag of freedom high for Johnny Tremain! Disclaimer: This blog is purely recreational andContinueContinue reading “Johnny Tremain (1957)”

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